open letter from a caring mother


After years of tough moments and hospital stays, A. and his family from Ireland finally had the chance to enjoy a carefree vacation at Center Parcs De Eemhof in The Netherlands. His mom shared with us how difficult it was to watch her son grow sicker over time and face hospitalisations every year. The illness has taken a toll, but this vacation gave them a chance to escape their daily worries. 


An extract from her letter sent to our office and the sponsor of their Beyond the Moon vacation.  


“As his mom it has been devastating watching his seizures and watching him being so sick and worsen over time. His younger brother has been really affected by A.’s illness. It has been quite traumatic for him, as he worries about his big brother. All three of us have been affected by the illness and the stress on the family. Due to caring for A., I couldn’t have dreamed of a week in Center Parcs. It just wouldn’t be possible. I want you to know that from the minute we got to the airport, we were able to totally switch off. We were so well looked after, and we are forever grateful. This holiday was hugely beneficial to A., but I can also see a difference in his brother. The two boys got closer on holiday and had great fun together. From the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful for the opportunity of this vacation. Just seeing the boys being themselves was the biggest gift you gave us. Literally no money can buy that. I truly feel what you gave us will continue to have a positive effect on the boys and me. Saying thank you doesn’t seem enough, but we are forever grateful!” 


A testimonial respecting privacy.