Below are questions grouped into two categories. Do you have another question that was not asked or answered, please contact us.

Who we are: More about our charity

Beyond the Moon VZW is a non-profit organisation (Vereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk or officially abbreviated as VZW in Dutch) founded under Belgian law on 18 May 2005. Its statutes were published in the Belgian Official Journal ("Belgisch Staatsblad") on 26 May 2005 under the national company and registration number: 873.856.370. In accordance with the Belgian law, it has its registered office in Belgium: Zandstraat 27K, 2223 Schriek (Heist-op-den-Berg). Beyond the Moon is an independent entity that is solely responsible for its own legal, financial, managerial and strategic decisions. 

Our objective is to offer as many family vacations as possible to families with a sick child that cannot financially afford an all-in vacation. Therefore, we sometimes work together with other charities or foundations whose objective is to provide medical assistance, healthcare and/or medical research. They can help us with the nomination of the right families with a sick child that meet our selection criteria. For instance, a collaboration is not excluded with an association offering home-based education for children with a chronic disease or supporting sick children with medical assistance or equipment. Beyond the Moon does not collaborate with associations that raise funds to also organise free family vacations for sick children.

There is only one contact point for companies and individuals wishing to collaborate with Beyond the Moon. It is the head office based in Belgium at Zandstraat 27K, B-2223 Schriek (Heist-op-den-Berg). There are no Beyond the Moon offices abroad. Our employees are multilingual and work from home (no rental costs for an office).

We are active throughout Belgium and we also help families in other European countries, because we collaborate with international companies that have an office in various European countries. When such company makes a corporate sponsorship or a donation on behalf of their international staff, with the help of Beyond the Moon, they can offer a vacation to a family in the region or country where the office(s) is (are) based. We are therefore active internationally, but we can also act as a local or regional charity. The donations we receive from a given country are used for a family with a sick child from that country. In short, anyone can sponsor Beyond the Moon and help fund a vacation for a family with a seriously ill child from their own community, regardless of the region or country where the donor is based.

No. Beyond the Moon does not use telemarketing (no telephone calls) to raise funds. We strongly advise you to be cautious should you be approached in the street, at the doorstep, at fairs, etc. to donate funds in aid of Beyond the Moon. Always check before making a donation.

Yes, however only in Belgium (more about tax-deductible receipts in Dutch or French). Sponsors outside of Belgium can get an acknowledgement receipt.

The Beyond the Moon name and logo cannot be used by third parties, unless Beyond the Moon has been informed in advance in writing and in a timely manner and has given its written consent.

The name Beyond the Moon is written with B and M in capital letters, t in lower case. Our Beyond the Moon logo should not be downloaded from our website and/or Internet. Please contact us in case you need it (in .eps, .jpg or .png) for any kind of communication about your support in aid of our charity. 

For a fundraiser organised by a third party to the benefit of our charity, Beyond the Moon has a special action logo that can be provided in .eps, .jpg or .png. Please contact us before you distribute communication about your action or activity. 


The texts, photos, drafting, lay-out, slogans, illustrations, logos and all the other elements published on this website, are protected by intellectual property rights that are exclusively owned by Beyond the Moon. Every copy, adaptation, translation, processing, use or modification of all or part of these elements, regardless of the form or means used, is strictly forbidden, except if it the source is mentioned and with the prior written consent of Beyond the Moon. Any third party organising an action expressly undertakes to integrally respect the intellectual property rights owned by Beyond the Moon. Beyond the Moon reserves itself the right to take all measures, which it seems adequate in order to prevent or terminate any violation of its intellectual property rights. 

What we do: More about the Beyond the Moon family vacation

Contrary to other organisations, Beyond the Moon has chosen not to speak in terms of wishes. We exclusively offer vacations to families with a seriously ill child. The family needs and/or the child longs for a relaxing vacation or a short break together with his/her immediate family (parent(s) and siblings) far away from hospitals and daily treatments. We offer them an all-in, cost-free vacation to a joyful destination appealing to the children's imagination and meeting the family needs.

Since Beyond the Moon focuses on family vacations, in collaboration with specific vacation partners, any other wish request from a sick child will be redirected to other wish-granting charities to ensure that the wish is fulfilled.

We strive to annually book one family vacation per week, i.e. a minimum of 52 bookings per year. This number strongly depends on the funds we receive each year and can vary from one year to another. Every contribution we receive from a given country will be used for a family with a sick child from that country. Therefore, the number of families per country depends on the funds we respectively receive from each country.

Beyond the Moon is not state-aided, but totally depends on corporate sponsorships and donations from individuals, schools, sports and service clubs, etc. to fund the family vacations.

In-kind support of facilities, working material, services and tools is also welcome, because it allows us to reduce our daily operating costs. This way we can invest our time, energy and funds where it's most needed, i.e. to organise and fund family vacations. As the number of applications increases each year, any financial contribution is more than welcome! Read the page What you can do to help.

The sponsor fee for a family vacation is € 4.500 (average cost for 5 persons), regardless of the number of family members and the destination - see our vacation package.

The cost of a family vacation depends on the number of family members and their age, the season, the travel cost and airline fares to/from the country of origin, the medical needs of the child, as well as the individual travel and medical insurance. Therefore, this cost can either be equal to, more or less than the required sponsor fee. Any unspent portion will be mainly used to offer a Beyond the Moon vacation to another family with a sick child and/or to cover additional vacation costs for larger families.

Beyond the Moon has limited financial resources. Therefore, our selection process is based on a well-considered list of eight criteria. Before a family is taken into consideration, we carefully examine every application in detail and we discuss it with the primary care physician of the child and the medical team. The eight selection criteria for a Beyond the Moon vacation (3 days (Fri-Sun) or weekend (Fri-Mon)) or midweek (Mon-Fri) or week (Fri-Fri/Mon-Mon)) are:

1. The child is aged between 3 and 18 years old.

2. The child suffers from a:

  • Serious progressive chronic disease: progressive pathology (more or less rapid) of long duration (6 months or more), strongly impacting the patient's quality of life, which can lead to other complications
  • Chronic inflammatory disease : persistent inflammation of one or more organs, incurable, incapacitating, requiring lifelong treatment(s), leading to serious complications and disabilities
  • Life-threatening illness: short-lived life-threatening condition due to a virus or bacteria
  • Terminal illness vs palliative care: terminal stage of a serious illness no longer responding to curative treatment (very short life expectancy); active and comprehensive care provided to the advanced stage patient (long term: 3-6 months or more)

3. The sick child wants to go on vacation at one of our vacation partners with his/her immediate family (parents and siblings).

4. The child's physical condition must be good enough to allow him/her to travel and to fully enjoy. A written medical authorisation from the primary care physician is mandatory.

5. This is a one-time vacation offered by Beyond the Moon to the sick child and all the family members living in the same household.

6. If the family was granted a cost-free family vacation of more than one night by another charity or a wish-granting organisation or another third party, the family is not eligible, unless that family vacation took place at least five years ago. (Note¹: We rely on the honesty and sincerity of the families who apply, knowing that there are many families with a sick child who have never claimed a free vacation. Note²: In case only the sick child was granted a daily trip or a vacation or another wish (e.g. got something material, met a celebrity, etc.) by a wish-granting organisation, that was not a family vacation, then an application may be submitted at Beyond the Moon.)

7. The child's illness (expensive care and high medical costs) is a significant financial burden for the family. One (or both) parent(s) often stays (stay) at home or has (have) given up work to take care of the child or the parents are divorced, often due to the illness of the child. As a result, going on vacation is ruled out and impossible, but would be beneficial to recharge their batteries.

8. All the family members, including the sick child, must have a valid travel and medical assistance insurance conceded by the National Health Service or a local and reliable insurance company. This potential cost will be reimbursed by Beyond the Moon, subject to prior consultation and agreement.

Before a family is found eligible, the request and our selection criteria are thoroughly discussed with health professionals, such as nurses, social workers, psychologists, doctors and professors. They know the background of these families and their needs. Once we get the medical approval for a sick child, we work out the most appropriate vacation package for the family. Custom work is only possible if we carefully and skilfully handle the confidential information received and we are able to meet the specific needs of the sick child and his/her family. Each child has a specific medical and social background and needs. The timeframe between the nomination, the selection and the fulfilment may vary from 14 days to two months, and sometimes even be longer. It depends on the cooperation of the medical staff at the hospital (nomination and administration), the treatment planning and health condition of the child, the family circumstances, the availability at the vacation partner, the specific medical constraints or other special needs. We believe it is utmost important and crucial to allocate sufficient time to scrutinise each application to prevent and avoid disappointments and risks.

The participants to the family vacation are the sick child and his/her immediate family, i.e. the parent(s) (or legal guardian(s) / foster parent(s)) and siblings, and sometimes also the grandparent(s), living under the same roof.

The sponsor can nominate a family or Beyond the Moon selects a family by involving its network of hospitals and doctors. We also receive more spontaneous requests via our website. Beyond the Moon handles the entire organisation and administration related to the family vacation. We always endeavour to nominate a family that not only meets our criteria, but also lives in the region (subject to change) or country of the sponsor. This makes the sponsor's support very tangible.

We collaborate with professors, doctors and other healthcare professionals at various hospitals and hospices in Belgium and abroad, who send us family applications spontaneously or at Beyond the Moon's request. With their medical background and knowledge, they help us nominate families with a seriously ill child who, based on our selection criteria, are eligible for a Beyond the Moon vacation.
The biological parent, foster parent or guardian of a sick child or a colleague, relative, friend or the employer of a parent with a sick child can also fill in the online form Nominate a sick child.

Nominating a family with a sick child does not guarantee that this request will be effectively and positively accepted.  When it seems that the sick child and family meet all our criteria, Beyond the Moon must first check whether it has enough funds available to accept and carry out this request. To avoid disappointments, we kindly ask anyone not to make any promises to the sick child and his/her family until a full and thorough investigation has taken place.

We respect the privacy of every sick child and his/her family. All medical information is treated confidentially and is neither discussed nor disclosed to third parties, unless it proves to be necessary for the realisation of the family vacation, and only with the prior consent of the child's parent(s), guardian(s) or foster parent(s).

Beyond the Moon collaborates with specific holiday partners. The family may possibly choose between a quiet holiday village or Disneyland Paris, once all the criteria, as well as the advantages and disadvantages have been discussed with the child's primary care physician: a.o. Is the child fit enough for all our holiday destinations? Should some incentives be avoided? Can the sick child go into a subtropical swimming pool? Can all the medical equipments and needs be arranged on site, regardless of the destination? In short, the doctor can be asked to help in assessing which holiday destination is most suitable. Therefore, the holiday destinations are first thoroughly discussed and assessed with the child's primary care physician who, upon mutual agreement, delivers his written medical authorisation for this family vacation with the sick child.

The family cannot submit a preference for or choose a specific holiday village at one of our holiday partners. This is determined by Beyond the Moon in consultation with the holiday partner(s). The possibilities are investigated according to the availability for the preferred travel dates, the size of the family, the age of the child(ren), the medical needs of the sick child, etc.

Many families prefer to stay close to home, so the trip is not too tiring for the sick child. For medically complicated situations, together with the doctor and the family, we can opt for a holiday destination located nearby a hospital.

Sometimes. But, in general we'd rather avoid green & white shirts and coats during this family vacation, if at all possible. In other words, a nurse or a doctor will only be invited to accompany the family should it be a medical necessity, and with the agreement of the primary care physician and the family. 

No. The families with a sick child that we help and select don't have the financial means to pay themselves the cost of an all-in family vacation.

No. We make a booking for a sick child and his/her family only once.